Hiya M8, allot has kind of happened over the last few days. As you are fairly new to the forum/club you might not understand but I'll try anyway. What started all this off was we found out my wife was pregnant last week then on Sunday she miss-carried and it was quite a shock and the pressure just got too much for me and it also made me realize what is and what isn't important in life. Me leaving the FSOC wasn't Taps fault either. It was the 20 post thing that made me face the fact there is more to life than dealing with non-important questions on a forum made by someone who could have easily just made a few posts. I just couldn't be arsed anymore with such a thankless job dealing with morons most of the time. I might go back sometime but with the club in its current state I doubt it. Now my sources tell me that there is a talk that I have left the FSOC to help set up a rival to the FSOC hell bent of death and destruction to the FSOC, this is total bollocks and it really hurts as some cunt has really stuck the knife in my back and I'm 99% sure it was one of the officials. (BTW not one of the officials emailed me asking what was going on when I quit, after 5 years of service!!!!!!!!!) Only one mod contacted afterwards too, I guess its not hard to find out who your friend are at a time like this. I tell you all this in confidence, please don't tell anyone else what I have said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gives me a heavy heart to quit the club. I have been a member for some 5 years now and have learnt allot and in return given as much as I can in advice, tech documents and time devoted to help run the forum smoothly. There is allot of behind the scenes work to be done which which allot of people just cannot comprehend. I have personally give hours upon hours of my free time up to lately I didn't mind. I have made allot of good friends here and felt I had finally found somewhere where I fit in with other like-minded people. There was a real buzz to the forum when I 1st joined a real friendly place with down to earth common folk who use their cars for day to day use and it was a real pleasure to log on and chat/take the piss and ask/answer questions too. Sadly things just are no longer like that, there is always someone waiting with daggers drawn ready to start slinging shit just for the sake of it. There is always someone who 'thinks' they can do better at running the club/forum. It just isn't the same place it used to be. Gone are the good old days, these days the forum seems to be populated by just morons who ask questions/advice then just to ignore anything said and just the start arguing. Then there's the 'my M8 knows better than you even though he has never done it' etc etc. There is more talk than action here too, plenty say they are going to do this/that/other and never do. I'm sad to say that the officials let the club down too more so than the members. I'm not saying I could do any better or that I can offer any advice because I can't (other than that there should be an AGM EVERY year so officials don't get lazy and/or corrupt after a year). The club has just gone down hill and that's it. I think one of the main problems in the 'club within a club' mentality mainly by the south/eastern members (inner circle or whatever you want to call it) Many member have complained to me in the past that there are never any meets etc in their area. e.g. if there is a Midlands meet it as far east in the midlands as possible. Not that it's any of my concern that's just one example of the ESOC. I don't know what else to say other than I might return if things ever get better but as it stands I no longer want any part of a club that has no direction (none of this is aimed at Paul). The forum is getting a less and less a friendly place with every 2nd thread turning into some some of 'cock-swinging' match. It spoils it for the genuine Sierra enthusiast. I notice allot of the 'old' members have gone now too, over the past year many good members have gone and have not returned. For me its all a one way street, I give lots and get nothing in return other than criticism. Another thing that bothers me is the 'with us or against us' bully-like mentality here too. Allot of other members feel the same way, they just won't speak up and 'rock the boat' and if they did their posts would get brushed under the carpet anyway as I suspect this post will. I have loads of Pm's off members saying more or less the same thing, but its up to them to speak up not for me to post their comments. Some of these members would shock you!!!!!!!!!! This isn't a dig at anyone, I'm just telling it how it is. If I have hit a raw nerve with anyone then that just proves I'm right. One last thing, I have heard rumors that I have left the FSOC to help start up a rival club to 'poach' members from the FSOC. Who ever is spreading those rumors where do you get off spreading such crap? this just re-enforces what I said about daggers drawn. I'm 99% sure these rumors have come from people who would love to see the club go down and die. I have no grudge against the club, I hope it goes forever and if I find out who is spreading these rumors I know people in the UK and I won't have much trouble finding where you live either and no its not a threat either. I don't feel bitter in anyway towards the club, just towards a few assholes who just want to spoil it for others. I will NOT be removing any posts or tech docs I have posted up, I am not that immature anyway all that would do is spoil it for those who have a real interest in the cars. Thank you and good luck to all the friends I have left behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marty