MegasquirtnSpark-extra ====================== Firmware version 029v expects Megatune 2.25 release version If you downloaded Megatune before Feb 5th, please re-download. 029v Make tacho output 50% duty 029u Fix to "spiking" of advance and other parameters 029t has a fix for ASE/warmup stopping very early 029s has no core changes, but reports more config errors 029r is a bugfix on 029q2 to fix poor cranking pickup in wheeldecoder The settings (MSQ) are identical. 029q2 is a bugfix on 029q which contained incorrect MATFACTOR and AIRDENFACTOR definition files compiled in. REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT.... If you ran 029b-029q YOU MUST RETUNE YOUR VE TABLE. If upgrading from earlier codes or using custom sensors and Easytherm you should be just fine. Please be sure to read the website - including the setup and FAQ pages. ********************************** N O T E **************************************** Checkout upgrading.txt for upgrade notes. *********************************************************************************** To download the code to your Megasquirt board double-click on download-firmware.bat and follow the instructions. You then need to copy the msns-extra.ini file over to where Megatune can find it. Double click on copyini.bat to do this Megatune needs configuring to set it to MSNS_EXTRA mode. Full instructions are on the website - link above. The Default_files directory contains example files to load into Megatune. You can use these to load default settings into Megatune if trialling the software without a megasquirt connected. Unless you are just testing the software, never just open Megatune offline and start changing settings, always load a default file first or work online. Then SaveAs to your new MSQ. The SRC directory contains the source code. If you compile then make sure you move the .s19 up a level or you will download the old version. For changelog see msns-extra.asm in the src directory IMPORTANT! Please vote here: