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The Silly Project Website - Design / Layout

PostPosted: Sun 11 Nov 2007 04:57
by Dan
Ok, the time has come to start work on the Silly Project website ... :D

I have quite a few ideas on what I'd like to do, but I'm open to suggestions, especially for the design / layout.
If you think you can make a presentable website design / layout, please do, and post your ideas or creations here!

Here are the rules for the site :

- The site must be exactly 1000px in width, no more, no less.
- The top image must be the same size as the forums one, which is 950x152.
- The site must use pleasant colours, no black or stupid lime green backgrounds!
- The text must be size 2 (10pts) and use a good, readable font style and colour.
- The site must be easy to understand, and have clear menus.
- The site must be in PHP and use CSS and JavaScript.
- The site must be compatible with both Internet Explorer 7 and FireFox 2
- The site must be an original design, not a template found on the internet ...
- The site must not be heavy, not too many images, and no flames, or fire or stupid logos ...
- The site must be general purpose, it's NOT a deidcated SPTR site, it's for other projects too.

So there you, apart from those rules, I'm willing to look at any ideas you may have ...
You can think of this as a bit of a competiton I guess, the best entry may very well get used!

Even a site done in the same style and colours as the forum might work, if done right, who knows ...
So off you go, to FrontPage, DreamWeaver, PhotoShop, Fireworks, Notepad or whatever you want to use!

The only limit is your imagination, hehe, lets see what you can do! :D

Re: The Silly Project Website - Design / Layout

PostPosted: Sun 11 Nov 2007 12:08
by nielsmannn
Hey Dan,

I'm using some kind of program for clan sites, it's called webSPELL, and is very useful. Usually, as I said already, clans use it. But I think also teams like silly project can use it. You can totally change the layout. It includes a forum, so it might just not be useful to you... Just check out the website (don't know it for sure, just google on 'webSPELL' and you'll get it as first hit).


PS: I'm still working on it, and it's just for a try, but my website is

Re: The Silly Project Website - Design / Layout

PostPosted: Sun 11 Nov 2007 12:42
by [SPTR] Luis!
i have found a good start for the forum and it's a GNU liscence!!
all the information is in README.TXT

Re: The Silly Project Website - Design / Layout

PostPosted: Sun 11 Nov 2007 14:13
by Stevo
me m8 simon can design something like this for our team website... he says to post this for him as he will sign-up to forum later ;)