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To the Dutch members

PostPosted: Mon 15 Oct 2007 15:07
by jasper
Yesterday, I went to a friend(in Breda).
At around 9:00pm we heard a helicopter, so we looked out of the window.
There were a few helicopters with those enormous lights etc.
Then we went outside, cops everywhere!
On bikes, bicycles, cars, horses etc.
2 cops asked if we saw a black guy with a rope around his head(he wanted to commit suicide).
It was a criminal that escaped from a jail.
When I went home by bike... it was like... America! So many cops :o

Did anybody notice anything in the newspaper today?
It all looked quite spectacular, but I can't find anything.

Re: To the Dutch members

PostPosted: Mon 15 Oct 2007 17:09
by Stevo
wow must be great fun in america with all the cops there, nothing ever happens near me around wher i live in the UK.

i dont like how american police handles situations they always go ott, also when they pull over suspected drivers thinking ther drunk, why not just use the breathalizer than pissing about wasting time playing games? lol

Re: To the Dutch members

PostPosted: Tue 16 Oct 2007 16:57
by jasper
It's quite amazing how American cops chase a suspect.
Here in Holland, as a cop when you hit the suspect you have a big problem.
In America(well, the stuff I see on tv) they hit everything they see.
And indeed, a breathalizer is a little easier :roll:

Re: To the Dutch members

PostPosted: Tue 16 Oct 2007 18:16
by greg_slideways
wow im moving so i dont get my butt beat by the police haha