On the server status page, it is possible to click on the server name, and LFS will go directly to that server.
How is the possible? Well, with a little program called Join To LFS ...
Here is what happens ...
- You go to the server status page
- You find which server you want to join and click on the server name
- Join To LFS then starts, just click on the join button and LFS will start and go directly to that server!
Simple isn't it ...
The servers status page is here :
- http://www.sillyproject.com/liveforspeed/
When you are on the server status page :
Hostname: SillyProject 01 Race <--- Click on the server name here
Status: Online
Server is public
Version: 0.5X10
User connected: 10/15
Track: Blackwood GP
Qualifying: 0 minutes
Race length: 3 laps
Download Join To LFS here :
- http://php5.archive.danielclayton.com/www.sillyproject.com/03/forum/_stuff/lfs/downloads/join_to_lfs.zip ( 400 Kb )
Just right click on the link and choose save target as to download it.
Unzip all the files and put them all into your Live For Speed folder.
Start Join2LFS.exe and click on the install button.
Then that's it, finished ...
It works fine for me, on Vista 64 bit with both Internet Explorer 7 And Firefox 2 ...