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Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 18:09
by Dan
Righty, I think it's time we all had a little talk, as I'm starting to get annoyed now ... :SM021:

I've noticed alot of you have been playing on cruise servers like [TC] CityDriving Montana lately.
That's great, I'm glad to see you all having fun, exploring S2, making new friends and what not.

Except there is one problem, this is starting to get in the way of Silly Project and SPTR growing ...
Lately a few of you have not come to SPTR meetings, or left a meeting, to go and play on these other servers.
This would be fine, if it happened once or twice, but it's getting to the point where it's somebody every evening!

This is really the worst moment possible for you all to start doing this, right after we have moved to S2 only ...
Right now it's crucial that we have all the support that we can get, and all the players and members that we can get.
After leaving demo mode, not many people know us, we need to build up our servers and reputation again from scratch.
We have a serious drop in players on our servers because the number of servers and competition in S2 is very high ...

So you lot going to other servers is not helping the situation in any way, shape or form.
And to be frank, I honestly expected alot more from Silly Projects own SPTR team ...

I mean, what do you all expect here exactly? Why did you join this specific site and LFS team?
How many of you are actually proud of be a member, and wish to support SP as much as possible?
Do you want to see this LFS team grow into something big and great, a team with a good reputation?
Or do you actually not care at all, in the slightest, as long as you can say you're in a team that's fine ... ?

I started Silly Project as a fun little server project for myself, and to make a fun little gaming community.
Lately this project hasn't been much fun for me at all! I have to keep chasing you all on MSN all the time ...
If I don't do that, almost none of you bother turning up to the meetings or even looking at the forum ...
I am not your babysitter, I should not have to hold you hands to get the the meetings all the time.

So I shal repeat myself, what do you all expect here exactly? Why did you join this specific site and LFS team?

I, for one, have no intention of carrying on like this, it's a waste of time.
Do no expect me to do everything for you. A team is - a team - for god sake.
You should all be making an effort for your team, not sitting around complaining it's boring.
If you think SPTR or the SP servers are boring, then do something about it yourself for fuck sake!
Help to promote the site/forum and the LFS servers, invite your friends, organise meetings, etc etc!
Don't just fuck off to another server and leave SPTR and SP to die a lonely death, it's pathetic beyond belief!

So here is the basic bottom line for you all ...

If you are proud to be a member, come and help, take part, have your say, and to help to build a wonderful team ...
The members and players make the forum and servers what they are, not me, so it's up to you all to make them great!

If you don't care and want to play on other servers all the time, you're welcome to, but leave this site and quit SPTR!

Don't get me wrong now, I'm all for playing on lots of different servers and having fun where ever.
However, I am totally against it when there are SPTR meetings, you should be supporting your team!

If you want to see changes in SP and SPTR to make them better, now is the time to have your say ...
Please post you opinions on the matter, and keep your comments sensible, this is a serious matter ...

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 19:20
by Dutch3raser
Hey Dan, I really see ur point and even I am not in ur Team i also am a lot on the forum of ur...
I think those ppl which are doing nothing should be kicked because u do evrything for them and they dont use youre things.
I thought SP was small and that kind of stuff now i know why this is, Nobody posting at the forum only when they need something. You should retest all members and ur recruiting test is to easy, i think u should check how much the members are online first. Very strange that i post as first.... it should be an SP member Weird... ? I totally know why u send this message. U are paying all their fun by using 2 servers which cost loads of energy. Do they thank you? I dont think so... Do they help u with the forum? not very much... i can help you if u want i am on a Computer (training(translated with babelfish)... and run a website also. Well, i hope i help you with ur thoughts and more...

Gr. Dutch

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 19:49
by Dan
Yea, it's sad to see the the team that was once 40 + strong, and now has only 7 or 8 active members ...
And it's true, nobody thinks of the cost of money and time it takes, and they expect you to do everything as well.
Why should I bother making new things when nobody can be bothered using all the things that are already here ... ?

This is why I'm complaining, it's time to see who our real members/supporters are.
Everybody else can get kicked, so we can move on as a real group without timewasters ...
If everybody helped, giving ideas, making things, organisisng things and so on, it would be alot better.

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 20:01
by Dutch3raser
I hope some more ppl answer this topic ...
To come and see theyre thoughts..

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 20:30
by godlike
I can be one of the active members but there are two problems. One is I have S2 cracked so I can't play in network. And two is when i tried to join with Silly Project then I couldn't join :cry:

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 20:33
by NiCk
interesting speech

i am proud 2 be part of the [SPTR] forum
i think that ppl are doing this because they go on lfs 2 race and have fun doing so

i dont meen 2 complain or insult but u need
2 have sum sympathy because i havnt joined ANY of these meeting and now
i dont even go on the sptr hosts because they are always ful, they're slow and u have almost always no sptr members

i dont understand the rules of these meetings

plz reply ans xplain

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 20:45
by Dan
Godlike, I think you'll find most teams won't accept anybody who uses cracks, hacks or anything like that.
Those of us who love LFS will pay for an S2 licence and get all of the features that come with it ...

Nick, the main complaint I have is for SPTR team members, not normal players.
The meetings I am talking about are team meetings, where normal people are not informed.
The SPTR team has meetings most evenings at 9pm on one of the SP servers.
These meetings are posted in the teams private section of the forum ...

Also, the servers are not slow, at least not for most of us.
It depends where you are in relation to France, as that's where the servers are.
It may be that you have a bad connection from where you are, don't blame the servers.

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 20:55
by godlike
I love LFS but i haven't money for S2 and my dad don't gonna buy it :cry:
And i have it cracked cuz I can practice then.

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 21:11
by El Niño
Je suis fier (depuis le début que je suis rentré) de faire partie et de représenter la Team [SPTR]! Il y a aucun souci de faire de la pub pour pouvoir voir les serveurs vivre!
Il est vrai que des meetings entres des Teams serait les bienvenus pour mieux se faire connaître, car nous avons les capacités de concourir contre d'autres ou alors s'inscrire sur des courses pour montrer nos capacités en course.
Par contre pour les meetings le soir tu as pu voir que j'étais de moins en moins présent, je m'en excuse, mais cela est dû a mes études, je suis en pleine ligne droite du Bac Pro et donc plein de contrôles continu sont d'actualités en ce moment et les oraux aussi. Mais dès que je peux je cours sur les serveurs l'après-midi ou le soir.
Malheureusement je connais pas de Team LFS, donc je peux pas organiser de meeting, mais en faisant quelques recherches sur internet ça devrait se trouver!
Si je trouve une Team qui veut bien se mesurer a nous je t'en parle!
Je pense que j'ai tout dis a part que je suis heureux de faire partie de [SPTR] malgré le manque de temps pour vous rejoindre le soir!

Re: Ok, I'm starting to get annoyed now ...

PostPosted: Thu 14 Feb 2008 21:14
by Denominator
I know how you feel.

I am a WoW player. I had a very successful guild, at one point. One of the best on the server... within the top 20. A load of people left, and then a load more... a domino effect, basically, and when this happens you get annoyed, lose confidence and all hope in your company/group/clan/guild or whatever.

I want to be involved in SPTR in every way possible, but I have yet to be tested, so I'm not officially in.

I can understand about the meetings and I completely sympathise. You make meetings, and when people say they are going to come but never do, that's not good... but to find they're on another server?! That's not good. I know.

For the people not dedicated to SPTR:
Quit. Quit now. You're no help to SPTR, and you're just making it worse for the rest of us. Don't wanna quit? Then come to meetings and join in some more...

We all understand if you can't afford LFS S2, that makes sense. And seen as SP is now S2 only, not many people come on. Sure this can be annoying... but work, and you can be a part of SPTR once again... FULL TIME!

Dan, don't feel bad about this. These are the kinds of people that have no consideration, no sympathy, no respect for anything but themselves. Concentrate on the good things with SP and SPTR, mainly, and fix the bad things over time. That's what I have been doing with a server I'm meant to maintain, which blew up.

Relax, feel good about what you have done and not what has failed... you get me? Think about this, but don't take it the wrong way... please!!

Bev. ;)