I have been in a Silly Project demo server just to be irritated by the behaviour of two guys: one was an administrator, the other one kept saying that user A or B was a noob, and asking for bans (which were granted). A once full grid (and not of intentional wreckers) diminished to three users.
I have been offended by this guy who kept spamming, insulting other racers and asking for bans. Is it normal behaviour for your admins to accept that?
I can provide the names of both the admin and the idiot (who may be fast and young, but doesn't know how to live). Sadly I wasn't smart enough to save replays, but I bet you can easily browse server logs to see what was going on about half an hour ago on the Pro Server.
As a licensed S2 user I am used to a completely different behaviour. I am not fast because I have little time to practice, but when I do I try to be fair, and I try to have fun. As you may have understood, I didn't have fun in your server. I wasn't banned, but I don't think I will ever come back to a server of yours as long as they are so poorly administered.
I wrote this just to let you know, and to know more about your attitude, so I'll know better next time.