Shopping, but only just, lol!

Well, last Saturday I decided I’d go shopping for once, to do something different. After all, it’s about time that I got some new clothes and stuff, instead of constantly buying myself new parts for my computer all the time, lol. I took Mom with me, as it would have been a bit boring alone …

I’m a big guy, as most of you know, lol, so it’s quite hard to find stuff that fits me properly, but after a bit of searching we did find some things, both that I liked and that fit me, lol. Check out the photo above, big arse size, mouhahaha! lol! I ended up getting two pairs of jeans, a couple of long sleeve t-shirts to wear under other t-shirts, a few other bits and bobs, and a new pair of shoes as well. The shoes are quite similar to my old ones, but they’ve got a red design on them instead of blue, and they’re not falling apart like the old ones, lol. It’s funny how the same size in different makes of shoes can so different, like a Nike 47 seems much smaller than an Oasics 47, so I ended up getting the Oasics, as they were the biggest I could find, that wern’t totally awfull, lol …

We went in the Sierra to Nevers for shopping. As some of you know, I’ve been having trouble with the Sierra not starting, randomly. You turn the key, the lights on the dash come on, you can hear the fuel pump come on, but nothing starts. It’s not the battery, as it will at random start perfectly well again after a few tries. The cables looks fine, so my guess is that the solenoid or something like that is crapping out. I’ll get it looked at sometime, I can’t be arsed myself, lol. So we went shopping, the car started fine, in fact it started prefectly for the next 4 or 5 stops we made in Nevers as well, but sods law, just as we were going to head home, it started playing up, the bastard! Cutting a long story short, it did start eventually, after a little twiddeling and about 15 tries to start it, lol. Lucky really, don’t want to be stuck in Nevers all night, I want my dinner, lol!

So I leave you with a random photo of my very self, that’s me sitting at my desk with my computer in my room, nothing special really, lol. *sigh* … Righty, back to work in a minute …

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