Facebook überness and Sushi!

That’s right, Facebook, the social network where it’s possible to both pwn and own your friends all at the same time! lmao! There’s an application on Facebook called Speed Racing, where you start off with a low end car, and race your friends or “real” cars to gain points, and with those points you can buy a better car or upgrade your current one. It’s quite basic, but at least it passes the time, hehe. Anyway, this last week I finally sold my Mini and get an Evo, which I’ve now just finished uprating! It’s now got 702 BHP and it’s orange, haha! Take a look in the photo below …

So there you go, my Evo is pretty über isn’t it? lol. So far, in total, I’ve won 318 races, and also lost 318 races, that’s quite a ratio! The other application I’m quite fond of on Facebook is the one called Owned!, where the aim is to buy and sell peoples photos. I own most of my friends, of course, lol, and as you can see in the photo above, I’m ranking first above all of my friends on Facebook. Wow, how sad is that, lmfao! Well, when you’re bored, what ya gonna do! Apart from that, Sushi, one of my cats decided he’d pay me a visit …

Awww, look at him, how cute is that! Hehe. Both pf my cats seem to like sleeping by my keyboard, I suppose it’s because of the heat generated by my computer, they must like it there because it’s nice and warm. Oh well, back to the real world I guess …

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