Something good for a change!

Well, I’m glad to say that I have something good to say for a change, hehe. The first thing is that this weekend I managed to update and reconfigure some things on my web server. I’ve updated PHPMyAdmin, zFTPServer and Filezilla to their latest versions. I’m also pleased to say that Dedibox have finally activated the IPv6 routing and extra IPv4 adresses on their network, which means that I could get myself 6 extra IPv4 adresses, 3 going to each LAN interface. I’ve also got myself some new domain names. Yes, even more! haha …


That bumps the the numer of domain names I own up to 46, lol! The domain was a domain we used to use at work, which I have now recovered for myself, and is also an old domain name that I’ve recovered, as I used to own it myself a while back having bought it for a friend. As for skullrage, that’s new, I just fancied that name, lol. I bought the other domains of dcmuzix for a proper reason though. I plan to host my own streaming radio on that address, as I thought that was a bit too long and boring to use for that. The radio is another one of the things achieved this weekend, as I’ve now figured out how to reconfigure Abyss and Shoutcast, blocking them both to specific IP adresses, to make it possible to run them both on port 80. This makes things alot easier and neater for Shoutcast. So, you can expect some news in the comming days about the radio. I’ve also reconfigued the DNS settings for all of my domain names, adding the AAAA entry, so now they all ping in both IPv4 and IPv6. Sadly, neither my HTTP, FTP or my Mail server software support IPv6, so it’s kind of pointless for the moment, but I suppose that having it configured ready doesn’t hurt, does it, hehe …

Apart from that, I’m very pleased to say that I’ve found myself a new girlfriend, mouhahahaha! Her name is Ashley, she’s 22 and she lives in San Diego in the States. Well, as soon as I said San Diego, I can see half of you saying ” WTF ?!?! “, haha. I’ve actually known Ashley for ages, we met online in a chat room about 7 years ago, if I remember correctly. We used to chat all the time back then, but then we kind of drifted apart for a few reasons, me having both met Hitomi and also having left for college and not having internet acess all the time. As a result we hadn’t talked between 2004 and now! If you remember from one of my previous posts here, I readded and unblocked a whole load of people in my MSN the other week, well, Ashley was in that list, and we talked again for the first time the other week, quite a reunion, hehe. So anyway, here are some photos of Ashley …

Or should Not bad eh? Anyway, we got talking again, and as usual, one thing led to another, and we ended up becomming boyfriend and girlfriend, lol. I know I swore I’d never date an American, but what the hell, haha. Ashleys got a great personality and is fun to talk, and I’m guessing she thinks the same about me, haha. So, we’ll just have to see how this one goes, hopefully better than the last times! Long distance relationships can suck in so many ways, but they can also have their own little perks, and can work well if both of you are on the same wave length. Hopefull Ashley will be comming over to visit me here in France sometime soon, so I’m looking forward to that, and then I guess it’ll be my turn to go over there to see her, oh god, lol …

To finish off, I finally got relax for a moment and do what I’ve been wanting to for ages. So, a whole pizza and a couple of yoghurts all to myself, along with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice, mmm, yummy. Add to that a good film, in this case The Last Samurai in Full HD 1080p, and the comfort of my bed along with some decent headphones turned up nice and loud, brilliant, hehe. Oh well, lets hope the good things keep comming, I really could do without any more bad news right now, lol …

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