Mmmm, yummy new stuff! lol …

As most of you know, I’m quite a fan of having the latest computer hardware. I always like to keep up to date with the new stuff, and don’t like things to be slow or to not to ba able to do something. The result of which is that most of my money goes into upgrading my computer every 2 to 3 months, hehe. Well, since I’ve lost my job, I guess I can’t do that as much now, at least not until I’ve got another job secured. All of this is bad timing really, as when I was looking around the usual hardware news websites, I came across this …

It’s the new Foxconn Blood Rage motherboard, based on Intel’s new X58 chipset, which is for the new Intel Core i7 processors that are comming out sometime next month. If nothing else, how cool is the name, Blood Rage, lol! It looks pretty cool as well, don’t you think? It’s quite capable as well, supporting upto 24 Gb of DDR3 ram, 4 PCI-Express 16x slots supporting both Crossfire and SLI, and it also has 6 x SATA, 2 x eSATA, even 2 x SAS! Not to mention having 12 x USB 2.0, an X-Fi based sound card, and so on! I don’t know how much this motherboard is gonna be when it’s realeased, but it’s gotta be quite a bit. I’d love to get this motherboard, along with Core i7 and some decent DDR3 ram as an upgrade, but unfortunately, it’d cost me too much, for now anyway. And anyway, apart from that, the PC I have already is not exactly slow, hehe!

Finally, to finish in a non geeky way, here are some YouTube videos I like … :D

The first one is Muse, live at Wembly Stadium singing Knights of Cydonia, the more I listen to that song, the more I love it, hehe! What an athmosphere, I wish I could have been there! The second video is the official music video of Slam by Pendulum. This has to be one of the best music videos ever, lol, watch it until the end and you’ll see what I mean, go go fat guy, bwahahaha! lol …

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