Out for a drive, in for repairs!

Well, yesterday I decided I’d get my car out of it’s garage for two reasons, the first being to see if it still actually started, lol, and the second was to go out for a drive! It’s been a while since I’ve gone out in the car simply for the pleasure of driving it, not actually going anywhere specific. Well, the car did start, hurrah! So, I went for a drive on the loop that I usually go on when I’m just going for a drive, which is from Sancoins to Mornay on the main road, then from Mornay to Apremont on the country roads, then from Apremont to Grossouvre through the forest, and then from Grossouvre back to Sancoins on the normal road. It really is quite a nice loop to drive around …

As you can see below, I stopped on the way for a moment, and took a few quick photos of the car, lol. This was just after the forest by Apremont. Apremont is a fairly beautiful little town, it’s actually rated amongst the top ones in France. If any of you have ever been there, and who play games a bit, you’ll know what I mean when I say it’s like a Medal of Honor town, haha!

Also concerning my car, I finally got around to booking it in at the local garage to get some work done to it. Quite a few things need doing to it, checking the starting and cooling systems, fitting the new breaks, a general service and a couple of other odds and ends. Once all that’s done, the car should be in quite good shape, at last. So I’ve got to take the car down to the garage on Tuesday morning, and they’ll be keeping it for a couple of days while they get all the work done …

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