WordPress blog? What’s all this then?!
Nope, you’re not imagining things, I am using WordPress! Shock horror! I know I swore never to lower myself to the ranks of the bloggers, nor to use a website system made by somebody other than myself, but what the hell, everybody else is doing it, lol. I’ve always been of the opinion that making my own website is much better, at least then you can say ” I made that! “, and even if my old websites were never that great, at least I always kind of had my own style, lol. I have a terrible habbit of starting a website project, but never actually finishing it, laziness being the problem I guess, haha!
So anyway, I thought for a change I’d try using something else, and see how I got on with that, maybe then I’d have the motivation to fill it up with some contents. I did try Drupal a couple of months ago, but I didn’t get on with that. Drupal sucks, to put it bluntly, lol. The addon mods were shite and only half worked, and it didn’t seem to like my server either, being epically slow if you turned URL rewriting on.
Alot of people seem to use WordPress, so I thought I’d give it a go, and so far so good, at least this seems to work as it should, apart from the odd 404 error on redirections in the admin section, but that’s no major problem, click refresh and it loads. I must say, I’m loving this Devart theme as well, which mimics the style of the DeviantArt website. I did have to search how to fix the top navigation though, as there seems to be an error in the coding of the theme …
It turns out you have to change the following line in header.php …
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?>
… to the following …
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1′); ?>
… which effectively stops the title overlapping problem when you have subpages. I’ve also added a photo gallery plugin (nextgen-gallery) and a poll plugin (wp-polls), which will be usefull once I get motivated enough to fill them with content, lol. So we’ll have to see how it goes, maybe I’ll keep this WordPress system if it doesn’t break, or maybe I’ll go back to using my own websites, only time will tell, so until then, I hope you enjoy what you see here, and I hope you’ll come back again soon to see what’s new!