Saturday night – GTR Evolution

Most Saturday evenings, Jym (a friend of mine) and myself have a little traditon. He comes over to my place with his computer, and we spend the night playing various PC games either online or on local LAN, and generally having a good laugh. We start around 9pm, and usually don’t stop until about 5 or 6 in the morning, lol. We usually play racing simulation games like LFS or GTR2, as we both have G25 wheels and what not, but we have been known to play other games, like Flatout, Need For Speed, TrackMania, Battlefield, Unreal Tournament, Serious Sam … amongst others. A while back we used to have proper LAN parties here, with upto 8 of us every Saturday night, but that came to an end as we became a bit too ambitious. The others had the idea of starting up a proper gaming club and so on, which we did start, but in the end nobody was motivated enough to make it happen, so it fell apart, and the LAN parties went out the window with it unfortunately. So these days, it’s just Jym and myself, lol …

Here is a photo from last Saturday to give you an idea … :)

Last Saturday evening was the first time we played GTR Evolution online together, as Jym finally got his genuine copy of the game that very afternoon, it took him long enough mind you, as I’ve had mine since almost 2 weeks before that, lol! I must say that GTR Evolution is going to become one of my favourite games, I really do like it alot. I’m kind of getting bored with LFS now, which I have been playing for what, must be 4 or 5 years now! You can only enjoy so much of the same thing all the time, so I think GTR Evolution is a good new game to replace it as my obsession, lol …

I love everything about GTR Evolution, the sound is brilliant, the graphics are good too, and the cars handle well with the G25 wheel. Having said that, there are one of two little annoyances, like the online servers menu that keeps jumping about and changing place when the pings update, how annoying is that! The handbrake doesn’t seem to work either, and the headlights are random at best. You have to love the attention to detail though, like the sound effects of the brakes and the crashes, and the bugs/dirt splatting on your windscreen or helmet, which you can then remove with the windscreen wipers, excellent, lol!

My favourite combos at the moment are the Mini at Zandvoort Club, the Caterham CSR320 at Pau, the Radical SR4 at Macao Reverse and the Honda Accord R at Brands Hatch. Not to mention that the Nürburgring is simply epic in any of the cars! When I get a chance I’ll take some screenshots and videos of it. Racing online can be quite heated, there’s some good drivers and some noobs as usual, but the racing is pretty close and great fun, with some epic argy-bargy behaviour in the minis, lol! So there you go … here’s looking forward to the next session!

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